A national rally against roadbuilding is to be held in East Sussex on Saturday July 13.
Nationally, there are plans afoot to build hundreds of miles of new roads, at a cost of at least £30bn. Catastrophic climate change, devastating species loss and huge cuts in public spending notwithstanding, George Osborne is determined that these roads must be built.
Come to the beautiful Combe Valley in East Sussex on Saturday July 13, site of the proposed Bexhill Hastings Link Road - the 'first and worst' of the new roads - to say NO to this destruction.
Rally, route walks and a chance to meet others who are determined to stop this madness. Organised by Campaign for Better Transport, Combe Haven Defenders and Hastings Alliance, supported by Greenpeace, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), CPRE Sussex, RSPB, Wildlife Trusts and Bexhill Link Road Resistance (Blinkrr).
Come to this unique event and:
* take a guided walk through the historic Combe Haven – a chance to see a beautiful valley targeted for destruction
* learn more about the campaign to save the valley, and about plans for more than 200 new roads around the country
* meet campaigners and speakers from national and local groups
* get information about how you can take action to help stop a new roads programme becoming a national disaster.
* enjoy music and poetry, food and drink and activities for all ages

Facebook event page:

Times and places:
Rally: Sat July 13, 2pm to 5pm, Crowhurst Recreation Ground, East Sussex (speakers from 3pm)
Chapel Hill, Crowhurst, East Sussex (15 mins walk from Crowhurst railway station, near the Plough Inn).
Route walk A: Meet at 11.45am, Bexhill railway station (trains arrive from London at 11.39, Brighton at 11.24 and Ashford/Hastings at 11.23). A five-mile guided walk closely following the route of the new road.
Route walk B: Meet at 12pm, West St Leonards railway station (trains arrive from London at 11.51 and from Hastings at 11.56). A six-mile guided walk through the eastern parts of the Combe Haven valley.
Route walk C: Meet at 12pm Crowhurst recreation ground. A guided five mile circular walk with good views of the valley.
Short walks from the rally site:
Shorter walks from the recreation ground along the 1066 Bexhill Walk route into the valley will also be conducted during the afternoon.
combe haven defenders